Episode 46: Joan
It’s that time again, y’all: another episode of Don’t Give Up, Skeleton is here! This week’s guest is Joan, who I met during the 2016 Duckstream event. She helped me with some Darkest Dungeon advice, and then started hanging out in the Duckfeed Slack, and before I knew it we were chatting bout Souls games on the mic. Joan and I talk about most of the Souls games, and have eerily similar starting builds for some of the games.
You can find Joan on the Duckfeed Slack as WrenchWitch, or
wrench witch on slack/steam
As always, if you’d like to be on the show, send an email to dguspodcast@gmail.com, or use my variety of social media networks listed below to send me a message. Email is generally the best way to get me, though.
Twitter: twitter.com/dguspodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dontgiveupskeleton/
Tumblr: http://dontgiveupskellies.tumblr.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dontgiveupskellies/