Episode 37: Christopher
Welcome to another episode of Don’t Give Up, Skeleton! This week’s is Christopher, who is a Scottish fellow that I found on Twitter. Christopher and I talk about all sorts of things in this episode: Midevil Italian Poetry, Midnight Resistance, Skyrim, and….oh yeah! Souls games! Christopher is another dad who has played with his kid in his lap, a concept that I absolutely adore. Enjoy the episode!
Christopher on Twitter: https://twitter.com/manlyjpanda
Christopher’s cool guitar thing: http://www.tonemagnet.com/
As always, if you’d like to be on the show, send an email to dguspodcast@gmail.com, or use my variety of social media networks listed below to send me a message. Email is generally the best way to get me, though.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dontgiveupskeleton/
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