
Episode 178: Joel

Hello skellies! This week's gues is Joel Corelitz, a video game composer and huge Souls fan. We sat down early on a Sunday morning to talk about his journey through these games, starting with a rough start and ending with, well, him appearing on this podcast because he's into the games that much! Be sure to stay after the credits for a song he wrote from the game Gorogoa (which is gorgeous and you should all play it immediately), and check out the links for more of his work.

Don't Give Up, Skeleton is on Patreon, which is a great way to support the show if you can. Donations go to keeping the podcast bills paid, as well as my ever growing collection of Souls games.

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Merch! Wear a skelly on your belly!


About the Podcast

Show artwork for Don't Give Up Skeleton: A Dark Souls and Bloodborne Podcast
Don't Give Up Skeleton: A Dark Souls and Bloodborne Podcast
Everyone has their own story about Dark Souls. What's yours?

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Jeremy Greer

Hunk Senior